Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Sir,-During the year 1914- an exceptionally large number of advertisements for next of kin, heirs at law, missing beneficiaries, and persona inquired for, for something to their advantage, appeared in British, Australian, and New Zealand newspapers, and a selection from the principle ot these may be of more than passing interest to your readers and of substantial benefit to some of thern. In every case tike persons wiiose names appear btlow, or their legal personal representatives, are known to have emigrated to, or were last heard of in, Australia or Now Zealand: John Henry Maudesley Adams; William John Adaqjs, left Armagh for Australia about 1874, and was last heard of at Tenterfield, N.S.W.; Henry Alien, stepbrother of Alfred Candy; Thomas and Elizabeth Anderson, nee Waugh; John Spence Anderson, late of Ktara, New Zealand; William Anderton, who visited Melbourne about 1908; Herbert Andrew, at Hobart, 1888; the widow and childreif of Francis Thornhill Bariow, who died at the Garrison Hospital, Sydney, about 1876; James Fitzgerald Barry and Ellen Barry, children of William Barry, CN*>kia, New Zealand; the children ot William Henry Batchelor, late of Blackheath, N.S. W.; .Frederick and Catherine Mina Baxter; David Bell, late of Liverpool, N.S.W.; .lamet. Billing, formerly of Auckland; R. W&lgewood Bishop, at Rockhamptou about 189/; James, William, and John Bird, sons of JoJeph and Mary; Alfred William Boddington; Florence Louisk Boothman, nee M'Keliar; Catherine Briffit, otherwise Crosby; Mary Briffitt. late of Sydney; John Egerton Broadley, late of Campbell Town, N.S.W.; George Brooker, late of Christchurch, New Zealand; Frederick William Brown, formerly of Woodfield; James Buchanan, son of William and Helen Buchar rl nee Croall; Hannah Cantrell, nee Dunph|; the representatives of George Carruthers, late of Auckland (deceased); RichtrL Whipple, last heard of -at Leongatha, VKtona; Harry Leonard Clough, born about 1854, l&te of New Zealand; William Comyn, formerly of Springgure, Queensland; the children of Henrietta Connelly, nee Martin, wne of Thomas Connelly'; John Cook, son ot Jonn, of Westmoreland; Augustus Cooper, son of William Cooper; Edward Covviiam, who arrived in Australia in 1884 or his representatives; Alfred Cowlin, son °f Frederick; William Gaw Dalzell, formerly of Belfast; Darnton, son of Joseph Darnton, formerly of Sydney, billiardmarker (deceased); Melville and William Dawson formerly of Perth, or their heirs; Harold Francis Dean, son of Thomas Henry Dean; the representatives of Leslie Prentice ic£n at L y, n dhurst Victoria, about itoO; William Delaney, formerly of Nunawading Victoria; John Deneby, who left Newmarket, County Cork, for Australia about 1862; George Henry Dennison. a native of Halifax, who left England for Australia, 1889; Emily and Mary Devine, born Longford, Ireland, daughters of Robert and Margaret Devine; Thomas Donaldson otherwise Slade, late of Otepopo, Otago New Zealand; Agnes Donnelly, or Donnel, who left 1 Lancashire for Queensland about 30 years ago; Adela Smedley Dowsett and her husband Thomas, who left England for Australia about 1852; Margaret Elizabeth Dudley, nee Callon; George Elderton, last heard of at Toora Station, Brisbane, 1899; John Elworthy and George Wilkina, last heard of at Creswick, ictoria, or their descendants; the next of kin of Sarah Evans, late of Bannockburn, New Zealand: Charles, otherwise Carl, Fanzelow, late of Makure, Wellington; -the brothers and sister of Mary Ann Fenwick, who married James Howlet, formerly of Gateshead; Agnes Finlay, nee Stroud; Patrick Flood, late of Karraway, near Kalgoorlie, W A Mrs French, nee Lobban, whose husband was a bank manager; James Phillips Galfivan, son of Matthew; John Colinson Gibbs, formerly of Cowra, N.S.W.. and later ol West Australia; the next of kin of Andrew Gillespie, believed to be a native of Dunedin, New Zealand; John Graham, son of ueorge; Rose Gracey, wife of Robert William Gracey; Caroline Amelia Grant or her father (Dr Charles Grant) or her mother (Caroline Grant), formerly of Taroagulla, Victoria, and later of Bourke and Porbe«, N.S.W.; the heirs of Carnegie Grant, late Weaver, of Arbroath, Scotland; David Grant, who left Scotland over 50 years ago a son of Carnegie Grant; Thomas Arnold Greenhalg, late of Glebe, N.S.W.; John Griffin, formerly of Dunedin, later of Queensland; the children of Eleanor' Guy, who died at Kumara, New Zealand; George Harvey, son of David Josiah Harvey, and last heard of in N.S.W.; James Harwood, formerly of Peakhill County, Lincoln; James Steel Hamilton, son of Jane; Elwick Lodewick Hayton: Hoberfc Henry Herald, son of Alfred Joseph Herald; James Heron, son of Rev. James Heron; Friend Thomas' Hill, son of Thomas; Charles James Holmes, late of Sydney; .Frederick Hosier (son of Ira and Ann Hosier), -who emigrated to Australia, or his children, Henry Hubert Hosier; the brothers and sisters.of Mary Ann Howlett, nee Fenwick; Peter Hughes, son of John and Betty Hughes; the children of Margaret Humphries; Albert Thomas Isaac#, who left Swansea for Adelaide about 1909, and afterwards went to Auckland, New Zealand Isemonger Anthony, formerly of Guernsey, and later of Auckland, New Zealand the children of Samuel Jackson, who was killed at Sandhurst, Victoria, 1672; Edward Nash Jenkins, who emigrated to New Zealand in 1875; Richard Jonnson, son of William Bnrley Johnson, who arrived in Sydney, per steamer Leonidas, in 1853; Evelyn May Jones, daughter of Mary Barron Jones; George Llewellyn Jones, late of Adelaide; Thomas Jones, a sailor, son of Hugh and Margaret- Jones; John Kelleher, formerly of Ballymague, County Cork, or his next of kin; William King, Tate of Wilgar JDowns, N.S.W.; Klien or Stewart Bethia, formerly of Christchurch. New Zealand Henry Langlands (called Harry), son of John Langlands; James Lawrence, formerly of Repfrew; Louis Coleman Lawrence, born 1857, a son of Jdhn and Isabella Lawrence, and last heard of at Dunedin, New Zealand; the nephews and nieces of Bettina Loftus; William Macintosh, late of Whittlesea, Victoria; Austin Mason, Elizabeth Mason, and Frances Mason, children'of John Valentine Mason; John Stamper Maunruell, born Wigton, 1846; John M'Aleece, son qi Robert; James M'Aleer, bom County Tyrone, a son of Felix M'Aleer; Charles and Eugene M'Carty, relatives of Allan M'Donald, late of Caruentaria Downs Station, Queensland; Henry M'Ewan, or M'Keown, son of Joseph; James M'Fettridge, last heard of at Kalgoorlie and York, W.A.; Bernard M'Namee, -born County Tyrone, and who emigrated to Australia in 1820, or his representatives; Simon Peter Cundy Millar, late of Sydney; William Henry Snell Millar, who arrived in Australia about 1888; Russell Miller, -son of Charles Russell; Francis Hilliar Needs; Frederick Ackworth New, formerly of Carndu Trefisis, William Martin Luther Nicoll; the children of Hannah Odgers; Joseph and Caroline Paine, who at one time resided in New Zealand, or their descendants; Charles Park, son of Charles Park, and late of Sydney; William Paterson, formerly of Btechan and late of Sydney Jessie Mabel Petherick, daughter of Julius Evan Petherick, last heard of at Snake Island, W.A.; Thomas Bakewell Phillips, last heard of at Forsyth, Queensland; Leonard Pocock, formerly of Winchester; Alfred Edward Potts, formerly of Knatchbull road, Cainberwell; George R. Prico, last heard of at Gladstone, Queensland; John Quinlivan, born 1856, County Clare, a son of Patrick and Ann Quinlivan, nee M'Namara; William Rewcastle, formerly of Gateshead, who arrived in Australia, 1867, and was employed as steward in a passenger boat trading between Melbourne and Sydney Lord Reginald Russell, who married Mina Agal in Melbourne, 1881; John Seabrook, at Sydney 1877; Ilenry Ellis Grcsham Simmons, late of New Plymouth, New Zealand; Mrs Frances Silverlock, late of Sydney; Johanna Slattery, daughter of David and Bridget Slattery; George Smith, born 1828, a son of William Smith, or his children George Benstead Steele, son of Jane Steele; John Thomas and William Stevens, formerly of Tasmania- and New South Wales; Ross Strehler, born 1853, left Hillman Basle for New Zealand in 1880; James Sullivan, otherwise Dignam, son of Mary Dignam; Stansfield Sutcliffe, formerly of Beverley, England; Henry Taylor, formerly of Wick, Scotland, or his son, Henry Taylor, at South Melbourne 1880; Grace Thompson, who left Blackwall Dock for Queensland 1890, or her relatives; Frances Amelia Tomholt, otherwise Dearie, nee Henderson, formerly of Melbourne and Sydney, and once connected with the vaudeville business, to claim a considerable sum of money; George John Torrens, son of Elizabeth; George Tuckwell, a native of Wellington, New Zealand; David Wallace, a native of east of Fife, Scotland, who emigrated to New Zealand about 1867, and was afterwards beard of at Dunedin; Hamilton Wallis, born 1830, last heard of in South Brisbane 1870; children of Richard Cutter White, who died :n Melbourne about 1882; Charles Stevensbn Wrack, formerly of New Zealand and late of Sydney. Should any of your readers feel themselves interested, i will be pleased to give them any further information I possess o„n application —I am, eto., Tnos. W. Lloyd. Llovds' Next of Kin and Unclaimed Money Offices, 80 Swanston street, Melbourne, 24th December, 1914.

Appeared in the Otago Daily Times,  22 January 1915    

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