Unclaimed Letters
Letters for the following are now lying at the Post Office, Kingsborough :-
Allen, G. B. Muldoon, J.
Bell, E. G. McLaughlin, Jno.
Craig, W. O'Grady, Mr.
Dorsey, A. Ophlsson, Herr P.
Elphick, Mrs. M. A. O'Grady, J.
Fullerton, Samuel (2) Petersen, D.
Golding, Thos. Stansfield, W.
Harris, Mr. Stansfield, W.
Kelly, Daniel Wieland, Mr.
Lemon, T. Watson, & Co., Messrs
Madden, G. Watts, A.
If not claimed on or before 1st September, 1879, will be sent to the Dead Letter Office.
R. Hy. WOOD,
Kingsborough, August 1, 1879.Postmaster.
Notice appearing in "The Hodgkinson Mining News" on 9th of August, 1879.