Sunday, August 09, 2020

Ship Deaths - Lobelia


The Lobelia.-We have been favored with the following list of the names of the persons who died during tho passage of the above-named ship, by Dr. Purdie, the health officer :- Miles Spelman, aged 20, of continued fever, on March 31 ; John Lax, infant, of bronchitis, on April 2; Henry Lambert, aged 23, of ship fever, on April 7; Sarah Jack, aged 26, of ship fever, on April 12 ; Lizzie Lax, aged 2, of ship fever, on May 5 ; James Murray, aged 28, of ship fever, on May 21 ; Sarah Moles, aged 24, of ship fever, on May 25 ; Eliza M'Kay, aged 21, of ship fever, on June 14; Mary Trather, aged 1 year, of dentition, on May 19; John Bradley, aged 28, of ship fever, on May 20 ; Ann Hailstone, aged 22, of ship fever, on May 28 ; Sarah Mills, aged 46, of dropsy, resulting from organic disease of the heart, on July 6.

SHIPPING. (1865, July 10). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 2.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Cheap Labour

An application for certificate of expenditure from Sarah Freestone, for ringbarking 500 acres on grazing farm 142, at 1s. per acre, was granted.
That is $1 for every ten acres in today's money 

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Past laws

At Dunstable, Mass., in 1651, dancing atweddings was forbidden, and in 1660, William Walker was imprisoned a month for courting amaid without the leave of her parents. In 1675, the wearing of long hair, and ribbons to tie it up, were prohibited by severe penalties.

Humors of the Day. (1869, October 2). The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), p. 8.

Monday, May 04, 2020

Train accident, Toowoomba

TOOWOOMBA, April 13.
Early this morning a serious accident occurredon the Main Range to John Davey, a lengthsman.
The early up goods train, on reaching the big ironbridge near Harlaxtoton, ran over Davies, taking his leg clean off, and the engine was turned off the road. It appears that Davies, while returning home from duty, lost his way, and it being misty on the ranges, he fell over the embankment on to the line, and lost consciousness, and remained there until the train passed over him. The engine, which was derailed, was subsequently got on the line, and carne to Toowoomba. The accident caused some delay in the later trains.

QUEENSLAND NEWS. (1889, April 15). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 5.