Monday, March 25, 2013

25 Pounds Reward


Whereas it has been represented to His Excellency the Governor; that Mr. Andrew Gregor and a female servant in his employment, have been recently murdered by the native blacks, at the Pine River, in the Moreton Bay district :-

Notice is hereby given, that a Reward of Twenty-five Pounds will be paid to any free person or persons who may secure and bring to justice the murderer or murderers, or if a prisoner of the Crown, application will be made to Her Majesty for the allowance to him of conditional pardon.

Moreton Bay Courier - 28 November 1846

Could the female servant be one Mary Ann DEAMSTER who died on 20th October 1847
Andrew Gregor died on 18th October 1847


Wages are just so high

WAGES.-Extract of a letter received from New England :- October 28.

Sheep farming will not be worth following if we are to give the wages the men are now asking. We are entirely in their power. It is really ludicrous hiring men just now; They boldly ask 14s. per week and a full ration, and if you show any hesitation in acceding to their terms, they just tell you they will go elsewhere.

The Moreton Bay Courier - 28 November 1846