Saturday, August 09, 2014

Light Brigade - 1969

December 12. Light Brigade, Black Ball
ship, 1244 tons, Captain Henry Evans, from London. J. and G. Harris, agents. Passengers: Saloon: Mr. William Samwell, Mrs. Clementina Samwell, Masters Samwells, Miss Mary Samwells, Miss Jessie Cooper, Miss Julia Loveday, and Miss Emily Loveday. Second Saloon : Miss Mary Agnes Jamieson, Miss Emma Henwood, Miss Elizabeth Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dymock, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Forbes, Masters Forbes (3), Misses Forbes, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Galloway, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moon, Mr. and Mrs. Webb and family (2), Messrs. Daniel Marquess, Charles Smith, Robert Henwood, Thomas Henwood, Hugh Cotham, Edward Edmonds, John Hamett, William Gold, John R. Cope, Bertram Cooper, Peter Skearn, Michael Webb, Robert Buson, Martin Dyster, Smith, Arthur W. Bolton, and 316 in the steerage.

SHIPPING. (1869, December 13). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 2. TROVE

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